Recommendations for the future of recreational fisheries to prepare the social-ecological system to cope with change

Projekt Besatzfisch , Rezensierter Artikel

This paper presents conclusions and recommendations that emerged from the 7th World Recreational Fishing Conference (WRFC) held in Campinas, Brazil in September 2014. Based on the recognition of the immensesocial and economic importance of recreational fisheries coupled with weaknesses in robust information about these fisheries in many areas of the world, particularly in many economies in transition, it is recommended to increase effortto build effective governance arrangements and improve monitoring and assessment frameworks in data-poorsituations. Moreover, there is a need to increase interdisciplinary studies that will foster a systematic understanding of recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems. To promote sustainable recreational fisheries on aglobal scale, it is recommended the detailed suggestions for governance and management outlined in the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries: Recreational Fisheries are followed. 

Arlinghaus, R., Cooke, S.J., Sutton, S.G., Danylchuk, A.J., Potts, W., Freire, K.d.M.F., Alós, J., Silva, E.T. da, Cowx, I.G. (2016). Recommendations for the future of recreational fisheries to prepare the social-ecological system to cope with change. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2016, 23, 177–186

Veröffentlicht : 2016
Erschienen in : Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2016, 23, 177–186