Special library of the Leibniz-Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

Our team has access to a very large library, which is located on the ground floor of the IGB at the Müggelsee. The library contains a very extensive collection of works, which contains the following topics:

  • Limnology
  • Ecohydrology
  • Geohydrology
  • Fisheries sciences
  • Water resource management

In addition, we have in our in-house library not only access to print media, but also through a variety of electronic media.

These are divided into two locations and so a large part of the stock is located in Berlin Friedrichshagen as well as a smaller part of the stock in the branch office in Neuglobsow. It is thus possible to access the holdings of both sites.



The print stock comprises approximately 48,000 media units (effectiv October 2016) and is divided into books, university publications, periodicals, research reports, old stocks and final papers. A special feature here is the special prints and reprints of scientific articles from IGB researchers, which go back to the founding years of the institute. The online inventory of the library contains about 4,400 IGB publications and is continually updated. Please use the following link to start your research ...

We also have online access to licensed e-journals and databases, including Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, JSTOR, Nature, BioOne and Oxford. The archive archives with approximately 8,200 titles and various e-book packages are accessible electronically. As a specialized database, a. Web of Science available.


Research and use

The complete library stock is stored online and can be researched.

In addition, there is the possibility to find further search hints in the intranet, especially on electronic resources.

The library is open to the public every day around the clock. External guests are welcome by telephone pre-registration. We look forward to your inquiries - by mail, telephone or in person!
Please also take a look at our flyer for more information and the usage rules of the library.


Robert Ditton property

A special feature of our institute-owned library in Friedrichshagen is the complete estate of Robert Ditton, who managed an extensive collection of works on the social scientific analysis of the fishing industry, to which our working group and guests have access. A list of all existing works will follow shortly.