Chronobiology & behavioural ecology
Marlon Braun
MSc student / Student assistant
Influence of the bait color on the angling success
Denise Broscheit
MSc student
Research focus
Assessment of the nutrient balance of angling in the context of groundbaiting
Carlos Jimenez Corbacho
Research focus
Ichthyology, recreational and commercial fisheries, hydroecology, river restoration
Philipp Czapla
M.Sc. student / Student assistant
Student support and data collection, Hook avoidance behavior of carp, field work in the project "BODDENHECHT"
Jan Droll
MSc student / Student assistant
Age determination of pike for the project "BODDENHECHT"
Rachel M. Fricke
Impacts of lake management on aquatic and riparian community composition
Million Tesfaye Godana
PhD Student
Research focus
Modelling the effects of anthropogenic activities and climate change on the population dynamics of aquatic species, with particular emphasis on ecologically, commercially, and recreationally important fish species.
Leander Höhne
M. Sc. / Student assistent
Data collection and age determination at the "Baggersee-Project"
Sophia Kochalski
Early-stage researcher
Research focus
Interests, values and relationships of fisheries stakeholders
Dieter Koemle
Research focus
Human Dimensions of Fisheries, Agricultural and Environmental Economics and Policy, Applied Econometrics
Olga Lukyanova
MSc student
Spatial analysis of pike movement in the "BODDENHECHT" project
Roman Lyach
Research focus
Feedingecology of fish-eating birds and mammals
Trends in recreational fishing
Behaviour of commong carp
Andreas Maday
M. Sc. / Student assistant
Data collection for the gravel pit project / Biodiversity
Alessandro Manfrin
PhD Student
Research focus
Collecting and identifying macroinvertebrates (Baggerseeproject)
Nicolas Marturano
MSc student / Student assistant
Age determination of pike in the project "BODDENHECHT"
Sven Matern
Research assistant
Research focus
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in little gravel pits
Katja Mehrwald
MSc student
Research focus
Food analysis of gray seals within the German Baltic Sea in cooperation with the IGB (project "BODDENHECHT") and the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund
Tilmann Moch
M.Sc. Student
Survey of the litoral fish communities within the BAGGERSEE project
Jaime Engo Morales
M.Sc. student
Research focus
Qualitative analysis of management preferences as expressed by lagoon pike anglers in Rügen
Dominique Niessner
Project coordinator, MSc
Project coordination, communications management and public relations in the project "BODDENHECHT"
Chente Ortiz
M.Sc. / student assistant
Study project within the STÖRBAGGER project (amphibious biodiversity)
Korbinian Pacher
MSc student / Student assistant
Investigation of stable isotopes in the "BODDENHECHT" project.
Jonas Palder
Research assistant, MSc
Research focus
Impact of commercial pre-spawning fisheries on northern pike within the project "BODDENHECHT"
Baiba Pruse
Intern / PhD Student
Research focus
Conflict between commercial fishermen and anglers / stakeholder involvement in research activities
Johannes Radinger
Research focus
Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) analysis within the project Baggersee
Maximilian Konrad Rieble
M.Sc. / student assistant
Behavioral effects of catch-and-release angling
Phillip Roser
MSc student / Student assistant
Fish ecology and population dynamics in the "BODDENHECHT" project
Malwina Schafft
PhD Student
Research focus
Recreational disturbance ecology and management with a focus on recreational fisheries and aquatic biodiversity
Dr. Arne Schröder
PhD / Marie Curie Fellow
Research focus
Passive gear-induced timidity syndrome in wild fish populations and its potential ecological and managerial implications
Rieke Schons
associated scientist
The influence of body size on reproductive success of pikeperch
Seraphina Siebert
The societal conditions under which efforts for the reintroduction of salmon in Germany take place
Catherine Slaton
MSc student
Human dimensions of fisheries management in the "BODDENHECHT" project
Sebastian Theis
M. Sc. / Student assistant
Research focus
Behavioural research (Heterandria Formosa)
Ashley Trudeau
M. Sc.
Research focus
Food webs and trophic niches of fish communities in excavated lakes
Katherine Ullrich
Co-Op Student
Research focus
Impact of size-selection on collective cognition in zebrafish
Alena Vogt
MSc student
Social science dimensions in fisheries within the project BODDENHECHT
Magnus Lovén Wallerius
PhD Student
Research focus
Private and social learning in fish, focusing on angling induced hook avoidance.
Nicola Wegener
M.Sc. Student
Attitude towards fisheries management in Lower Saxony of population, stakeholder and anglers
Katja Wiegner
Press and public relations, educational concept and project assistance for the Baggerseeprojekt (AVN)
Elvis Wong
M.Sc. Student
Research Focus
Behavioral and evolutionary ecology of size-selective harvesting