We analyzed trip-level self-reports collected by a cell phone app to understand angler satisfaction of fishing for sea trout Salmo trutta (anadromous Brown Trout) in southern Norway. We found no clear support for a positive relationship between trip outcome (catch or no catch) and angler satisfaction level. In the cases where sea trout was caught, however, there was a positive relationship between fish size and angler satisfaction level. A total of 52% of the captured sea trout were voluntarily released, and releases were unrelated to fish size. In conclusion, digital data collected via a cell phone app are useful to reveal patterns of angler behavior and satisfaction.
Digital Data Help Explain Drivers of Angler Satisfaction: An Example from Southern Norway

Johansen, K., Olsen, E. M., Haraldstad, T., Arlinghaus, R., Höglund, E. 2022. Digital Data Help Explain Drivers of Angler Satisfaction: An Example from Southern Norway. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42, 1165-1172.
: 2022
Appeared in
: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42, 1165-1172