In mobile animals, selection pressures resulting from spatio-temporally varying ecological factors often drive adaptations in migration behavior and associated physiological phenotypes. These adaptations may manifest in ecologically and genetically distinct ecotypes within populations. We studied a meta-population of northern pike (Esox lucius) in brackish environments and examined intrapopulation divergence along environmental gradients. Behavioral phenotypes in habitat use were characterized via otolith microchemistry in 120 individuals sampled from brackish lagoons and adjacent freshwater tributaries. We genotyped 1514 individual pike at 33 highly informative genetic markers. The relationship between behavioral phenotype and genotype was examined in a subset of 101 pikes for which both phenotypic and genomic data were available. Thermosaline differences between juvenile and adult life stages indicated ontogenetic shifts from warm, low-saline early habitats towards colder, higher-saline adult habitats. Four behavioral phenotypes were found: Freshwater residents, anadromous, brackish residents, and cross-habitat individuals, the latter showing intermediary habitat use between brackish and freshwater areas. Underlying the behavioral phenotypes were four genotypes, putative freshwater, putative anadromous, and two putatively brackish genotypes. Through phenotype-genotype matching, three ecotypes were identified: (i) a brackish resident ecotype, (ii) a freshwater ecotype expressing freshwater residency or anadromy, and (iii) a previously undescribed intermediary cross-habitat ecotype adapted to intermediate salinities, showing limited reliance on freshwater. Life-time growth of all ecotypes was similar, suggesting comparable fitness. By combining genetic data with lifelong habitat use and growth as a fitness surrogate, our study revealed strong differentiation in response to abiotic environmental gradients, primarily salinity, indicating ecotype diversity in coastal northern pike is higher than previously believed.