The need to manage salmonid invasions in Europe to protect native biodiversity

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• Stocking of non-native species and populations of salmonids should be avoided

• Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of stocking and transfer activities in countries such as Germany, France, Norway and Sweden are generally lacking or insufficient, and therefore should be improved

• Local and regional authorities should be empowered to enforce national fisheries regulations and to evaluate practices for salmonid stocking

• Science – policy – public cooperation and dialogue is strongly encouraged to achieve more sustainable conservation practices for native salmonids. This involves increased outreach and public information about the downsides of non-native salmonids and joint undertaking of impact assessments involving practitioners, scientistsand authorities

• The recommendations of the SalmoInvade project aid the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EG) which states that exposure to foreign species and strains degrade the ability to achieve good ecological status. These recommendations also aid in fulfilling several targets of the EU 2020 biodiversity strategy (COM (2011) 244), e.g.: “combat invasive alien species” (target 5), “improve management of EU fishstocks” (target 4), and “protect aquatic ecosystems and their services” (target 2).

Johnsson, J. I., Hindar, K., Arlinghaus, R., Cucherousset, J., Fleming, I. (2018). The need to manage salmonid invasions in Europe to protect native biodiversity. SalmoInvade Project, 1-6

Published : 2018
Appeared in : SalmoInvade Project, 1-6