Collective rule-breaking


Rules form an important part of our everyday lives. Here we explore the role of social influence in rule-breaking. In particular, we identify some of the cognitive mechanisms underlying rule-breaking and propose approaches for how they can be scaled up to the level of groups or crowds to better understand the emergence of collective rule-breaking. Social contagion plays an important role in such processes and different dynamics such as linear or rapid nonlinear spreading can have important consequences for interventions in rule-breaking. A closer integration of cognitive psychology, microsociology and mathematical modelling will be key to a deeper understanding of collective rule-breaking to turn this field of research into a predictive science.

Krause, J., Romanczuk, P., Cracco, E., Arlidge, W., Nassauer, A., Brass, M. 2021. Collective rule-breaking. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25, 12

Published : 2021
Appeared in : Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25, 12