Evaluating absolute population density is an extremely complex task that requires strengthening the links between theorists and empiricists. Both, Campos‐Candela, Palmer, Balle, and Alós (2018) and Abolaffio, Forcadi, and Santini (2019), contributed to this challenge from the theoretical side; the first one by demonstrating a theoretical postulate to estimate absolute densities from camera counts; the second one by exploring the proposed method for a specific species (the moose, Alces alces). Note, however, that the undifferentiated use of model, method and simulation terms in Abolaffio et al. (2019), when addressing concerns exclusively about our simulation procedure or the applicability of the method for a particular case, may be misleading.
Response to Abolaffio et al. (2019): avoiding misleading messages
Rezensierter Artikel
Campos-Candela, A., Palmer, M., Balle, S., Alós, J. (2019). Response to Abolaffio et al. (2019): avoiding misleading messages. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88, 2017–2021
: 2019
Erschienen in
: Journal of Animal Ecology, 88, 2017–2021